1st Windows is a Milgard Certified Dealer

Shown with optional grids


A perfect selection for view homes designed to capture maximum glazing areas with no center bar to interfere with the beauty outside. These windows do not open, so they must be combined with other windows that allow for ventilation and egress.

You can order our fiberglass windows in seven baked-on standard exterior colors. A wide selection of hardware and grid options is available.

Handing:Click Here for Help! All windows viewed from the exterior
"X" is the moving panel, "O" is the fixed panel.
Frame Type:Click Here for Help! Custom Size Nail-On Frame, Block
Frame, Sloped Sill Adapter, and Flush Fin.


An ultra series window allows exterior painting
and is available in 5 standard colors.


  • Impervious to water, cold, heat, insects, salt air, and ultraviolet rays.
  • Guaranteed to never crack, peel, bend, warp, or stick due to expansion and contraction.
  • Allows exterior painting (unlike vinyl) and is offered in seven standard pre-painted exterior colors.
  • Baked-on exterior paint finish won't peel or eggshell.
  • Milgard SunCoat® Low-E glass for superior energy savings and protection against fabric fading.
  • No unsightly staples or nail holes.
  • Available in custom shapes, sizes and configurations.
  • Large selection of hardware and grid options.
  • Upscale look complements any home, anywhere - from West Coast to Atlantic seaboard.
  • Optional PureView® window screen with tighter weave and finer mesh available.
  • Full Lifetime Guarantee.